on sensitivity.
Hi there, beauty babes! I’m sorry it’s been a little while since we’ve talked. Here’s what I’ve been processing lately: The question of...
on singleness.
Hi beauties! I am so excited (and a teensy bit nervous) to share what is on my heart today. My words are meant to love you, challenge...
on permission slips.
Hey Sole Sister, When was the last time you had to have a permission slip signed? Elementary school, your middle school church retreat?...
meet kara.
Hi everyone! My name is Kara Korosec and I’m so excited to share my story with the Sole Fitness community. I’m so inspired by everything...
sole sister spotlight: ashley bowers
I feel like I don’t even need to introduce this #solesister because she is like the Mayor of Wilmington - everyone knows Ashley Bowers!...
on camping & shaving legs.
hey sole sister, "AND" This 3-letter conjunction makes me feel free and secure. This word has allowed me the freedom to feel and...
i hate how fat i am.
It was fifth grade the first time I remember calling myself fat. A school picture taken at an unflattering angle revealed “fat rolls”...
sole sister spotlight: rita griep
Introducing the one & only, Rita Griep! This Sole Sister is a one-of-a-kind, with the most evident gifts of hospitality, compassion, and...
on risk taking.
Jesus never promised us an easy journey, but he did promise never to leave us or forsake us. I’ve been mulling over this concept for...
put your thing down, flip it, and reverse it.
The radio was on quietly in the background as me and two friends were cruising around town on our way to our favorite dinner spot - when...